

Pomembne podrobnosti o Macejko68
Spol Moški
Višina 5'10" - 6" [175cm - 185cm]
Teža 160 - 180 lbs [70 - 80 kg]
Penis Srednji
Komentarji (8)
31. 10. 23


27. 07. 23
I curdle your blood with just one look 🌊
And there is no better man in the world than the one who tries to do everything for you ❤
12. 07. 23
24. 05. 23
...всегда есть тот, кому ты нужен,💕
Упрямый, гордый, полный боли,🌸
Кто молча примет твою душу🌈
В свои горячие ладони...💘
11. 04. 23
My voice in your heart
В танце белом за мной летай
Вся любовь in your eyes
Забывает все мои memories
7. 04. 23
It's more than love, after all. More than any passion.
This is more than a novel. It's hard to describe. 👄 💌
18. 03. 23
It's more than love, after all. More than any passion.
This is more than a novel. It's hard to describe. 👄 💌
12. 08. 21